Friday, February 3, 2012

BS to MA...the crazy adventure begins!

It all started in high school when my Dad asked "E, what do you want to do when you grow up?" .  My immediate and fully serious response was, "Dad, I want to change the world"...

And so it begins..........

In 2009 I graduated from University with a degree in Civil Engineering.  I had thought that I wanted to become an engineer since high school.  My father is an engineer, my brother is an seemed like the right path, especially since I'd always loved math and science.   I was so blessed to have two job offers upon graduating, especially since the economy was so down that hiring had dropped significantly for Civil Engineers in the Pacific Northwest.  I followed the job and moved to another state.  While the area was beautiful and I loved where I lived, I never felt fulfilled in my career.  I had so many responsibilities above and beyond my title, but the spark wasn't there...I didn't feel like I was making an impact on the world.  I quit my job and moved to Oregon when I got married so that my husband could focus on his career and its development.  I searched and searched and had numerous opportunities in Civil Engineering that came my way, but for some reason every door closed (relatively abruptly).

I decided to take a hiatus from job searching and soon after the youth pastor at my church asked for female volunteers to chaperone an upcoming mission trip.  I decided "Welp, I have nothing else to do...might as well!".... One thing lead to another and I am now a full time volunteer with the youth group and I LOVE IT!

I then found that the local satellite University campus in my city was starting a Masters of Arts in Teaching Secondary Math and Science program.  I KNEW right away that teaching middle/high schoolers was what I was meant to do.  I realized I've worked with high schoolers in some capacity for the past 5-6 years and it has always been the highlight of my day and the one career that sparked my heart.  I realized I want to mentor and inspire them.   I want to give them all that I have to offer so they have the most options and opportunities in life.  I want to be their friend and their mentor through teaching them math and science...AND I'M SO EXCITED!!

I've just started the application process for the MAT program and I know it's going to be a long road to haul.  I'm excited to share the process and my PRAYER TO HAVE GOD MAKE ME IMMOVABLE through the process.  I want to be immovable in my work as a wife, an eventual mother, as a leader, and as a teacher.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain.

1 comment:

  1. Way to following the Lords leading and welcome to the blogging world! =)
