Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Real Life Application

I got my Physics for Dummies (at the recommendation of my advisor) books in the mail yesterday....I'm nervous for the exam!  It's supposed to be very difficult and considering I only had one year of true Physics courses then 3 of applied Physics, this could be interesting!  I'm actually looking forward to studying, though, so that's a bonus, right??

Today I sat in on a class that had a guest speaker.  This month is National Engineering Month, and the guest lecturer was an engineer that gave a presentation then had a progressive activity for the students to do.  The presentation and activity kept the students' attention and was fun.  The activity applied some of the information from the presentation and was a real life simulated activity.  The whole time I assisted the presenter and the students, I couldn't help but think...."This is how I want my class to be!"....I hope that somehow I can make every topic, every lecture, every activity applicable to real life in the present day.  I know there might be some times that it seems impossible, but has that stopped me before? :)  I figure my background will help in this category, but I'll definitely need some creative juices flowing as I make lesson plans.  

What resources can I pull from?  Friends, family?  Books, websites?  I'll definitely need to keep my eyes peeled for applicable math/science resources!

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