First Things First: I graduated with my Master's of Arts in Teaching this past summer and landed a job at one of the local high schools. I can not claim any of the pats on the back or kudos that this crazy new life deserves. All of the GLORY belongs to GOD...seriously...I mean every little bit. There is no other explanation as to how in the world I got to where I am today, except to say that God was my trailblazer...cutting through all of the gigantic, pointy, dangerous, sharp branches and shrubs to show me the path. He alone is who got me to and through my teaching program, allowed me to learn under the most respected and amazing science teachers in the area, built relationships with those that directed me toward teaching, and opened up the most amazing job opportunity in the entire world (well...for me anyway...not sure how many other people want to be high school physics teachers...)
Second Things Second: Teaching is unlike any other profession. Being caught in between the state, district, administration, other teachers, students, and parents is like an ongoing game of hot potato....with your job... The weird thing, though, is that I'd rather be a perpetual hot potato than do anything else. I'm completely prepared for this (and by completely prepared, I mean mostly prepared with a lot of "I think I can" chanting). While, yes, I have so much to improve upon, this is exactly where I'm meant to be. Every single moment in my life leads me to this place. I love the fact that my coworkers (and the students) consider me to have an unreasonable chipper attitude when it comes to teaching (yes...I've read the article in The Onion...). The day I lose that 'silver lining' mentality is the day that I should no longer be a teacher (and you can hold me to that...).
Third Things Third: While I like to think that I'm like a happy face balloon floating around campus, I grieve everyday. My kids are hurting. And I mean really hurting. Kids in deep depression. Kids with chronic diseases. Kids from broken families. Kids with literally no families. Kids with no friends. Kids who are hungry. Kids whose parents push them so hard they always feel like failures. Kids who feel invisible. And kids who need a nice slice of humble pie. The cool thing? I get to be a light to them. I am so lucky that I get the chance to make a difference. God has granted me this gift to serve Him by serving these kids.
I can feel HIM making me IMMOVABLE
Holy, moly this WAS long overdue. Stand your ground, and give the Glory to God. Good girl Erika!!